Fill up my Cup


P(3) sat down beside the sensory bin which had small piles of pink aquafaba foam in it. She looked at it for a moment and watched as another child touched the foam. She stretched out her hand and poked the foam with her finger. Then she grabbed squeezy tongs and squeezed them to open up. She scooped up a small amount of foam with the squeezy tongs. Some foam fell down. She scooped up more foam and then slowly poured it into a small muffin tray. She scooped up more foam and shook it slightly. It fell onto the muffin tray.

Then P picked up a small measuring cup. She used it to scrape up foam. She reached across the sensory bin and poured the foam into an ice cube tray. She scooped up more foam and tapped the cup on the ice cube tray. She put foam into half of the ice cube tray sections.

Later, P picked up another small cup. She used the larger cup to scoop up foam. Then she poured the foam into the second cup. She scraped the cups together to get the foam to stay in. She switched the cups and began to used the smaller cup to pour foam into the larger cup. P continued to scoop and pour more foam into the cup, scraping it each time. She filled up the larger cup with foam.


At first, P seemed unsure of touching the aquafaba foam. But once she touched it, she became intrigued with it. She engaged in different ways to move the foam around and transfer it between containers. It was interesting to watch her as she decided which tools to use and which containers to put foam in.

P showed an interest in transferring! She started by using squeezy tongs and ended up with two small measuring cups. Since there was a small amount of the sticky foam, it seemed to be a challenge for P to scoop it up and to pour it. She tried different methods such as: pouring, shaking, tapping, and scraping. She figured out ways to collect the foam and to get it out of her tools.

She also showed an interest in filling up containers. She used the tools to put foam into a muffin tin, an ice cube tray, and another measuring cup. She filled them all up with foam! She started by putting foam into the small sections of the muffin tin and ice cube tray. She filled up each section starting on one side of the containers and moving to the other side. With both containers, she stopped in the middle and moved on to using new materials. Later on, she switched to filling up one large cup. I wondered if she had noticed that there was not a lot ofaquafaba foam; not enough foam to fill up the whole muffin tin or ice cube tray. So she tried to fill up a different container that she had enough foam for.

P was very focused on her work. She looked closely at the foam as she chose different tools to scoop and pour it. She showed focused attention as she experimented with the foam. She continued her work without being distracted by other children nearby. She fully engaged in this play experience and showed a disposition for seeking. She was curious about this new material and what she could do what it. She experimented and learned about aquafaba: the sensory properties, the viscosity, and the quantity.


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